Religious Brothers Day

Religious Brothers Day is held annually on May 1, the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker. Religious brothers are recognized during this international event. Prayer services and reflections for celebrating this day are available at

The annual celebration of the vocation of the religious brother will focus on the joys of the vocation of the religious brother as well as its future. Enjoy a variety of perspectives - from clerics, laity, women religious, and brothers themselves - before a chance for open discussion with other brothers. A special program has been planned by the Religious Brothers Day co-chairs: Brother Andrew Kosmowski, SM and Brother J.D. Macioce, FSC and members of the Brothers Think Tank, which includes: the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, the National Religious Vocation Conference, Religious Brothers Conference, and Religious Formation Conference. 

This one hour program from 12:30-1:30 PM (central) on Sunday, May 1st will include prayer, reflections, and an opportunity for small group conversation. To register, go to:  

You can also join our Canadian Brothers for a virtual celebration at 7:00 p.m. ET on May 1 by contacting for the link to register.