Family Charisms in Dialogue

“Communion and the encounter between different charisms and vocations can open up a path of hope. No one contributes to the future in isolation, by his or her efforts alone, but by seeing himself or herself as part of a true communion which is constantly open to encounter, dialogue, attentive listening and mutual assistance. Such a communion inoculates us from the disease of self-absorption”. -Pope Francis

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

With joy and hope, we present to you the path which we would like to take together as Charismatic Families in these three years 2017-2020. It is a path which we have undertaken following the continuous invitation of Pope Francis to live communion not only ad intra in each Charismatic Family, but together as Charismatic Families, in order to be a real prophetic witness today.

We are conscious that it is a slow and demanding path at both the personal and community levels, but not an impossible one. It is a path which involves becoming conscious of opening out from the local community to that of the Order or Institute, from consciousness of the Order, Institute, Society or Association to that of the Charismatic Family and, finally, from the Charismatic Family to communion with all of the charisms in the Church. It is a process which will allow us to broaden our gaze, our heart and, above all, to go out with greater courage beyond the confines of our individual Institute in order to begin to dream together, at the local and global levels, “new spaces and places” where the gospel logic of gift, of fraternity, of welcoming diversity, of mutual respect and love is lived. The Charismatic Family is the place where we can develop and carry forward common projects of formation, of evangelisation, of social engagement in order that charity and charismatic creativity move all of us towards the challenges which are knocking at our doors every day. As Pope Francis says: if we are not united we will not be able to the build the future and be leaven for a society inspired by the Gospel.

International Union of Superiors General (UISG)