Updated 12/1/23

The $12,780 and $14,780 program fee amounts are effective for the incoming ForMission cohort/class June 8-16, 2024. Application deadline for the new cohort is April 12, 2024 

  • For RFC member congregations/provinces: $12,780 payable in four (4) installments $3070; each payment due prior to the next upcoming residential intensive session. The cost includes tuition, room and board, program and reading materials. Your cancelled check is your receipt of payment or you may pay using a credit card. The $500 deposit is included in the total. 
  • For non-member congregations/provinces$14,780 payable in four (4) installments prior to each residential intensive session.

Mary Daniel Turner, SNDdeN Scholarship Fund

We are happy to share that partial scholarship funds are available for RFC member congregations/provinces. The need for financial assistance must be demonstrated and requested in writing.  Send request for application guidelines for partial program scholarship funds to Program Manager, Brian Michalski at bmichalski@relforcon.org.  Applications and written scholarship requests can be sent to the RFC by emailing Brian Michalski at bmichalski@relforcon.org.   

Click for more information about the Mary Daniel Turner, SNDdeN Scholarship Fund

ForMission payments can be sent to the attention of Sophia Mikolyash, Operations Manager at the National Office. We encourage you to use our online payment system. If you would like to submit a payment using our secure online system, please complete the form below. Please note that you may not be logged in with a shared account.

Religious Formation Conference
Attn: ForMission
1525 E. 53rd St. | Suite 716
Chicago, IL 60615    USA

Participant Information for Online Payments
Complete this form to submit a secure online payment using a credit card.