The theology and spirituality of the Eucharist evokes wonder more than an explanation. Wonder is an important aspect of theology and of spirituality. “Awe is a sense for the transcendence. It enables us to perceive in the world intimations of the divine. Awe is more than an emotion; it is a way of understanding, insight into a meaning greater than ourselves.” (Abraham Joshua Heschel) 

The scope of this presentation will engage the participants in three areas of reflection: reference to the Constitution on Sacred Liturgy, Scriptural references, and reflection on the sacred text of one’s life. As we pray at each Eucharist, “Accept these gifts,” Jesus speaks those same words to us as we receive the Body and Blood of Christ. How aware of this “Holy Communion” are we through our encounters with the holy in our ordinary lives? “Take and eat,” words of radical amazement, impel us to love not only the Divine Mystery, but to love ourselves, our neighbor and the stranger among us. 

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