Based on the recently released book, Can You Let Go of a Grudge? Learn to Forgive and Get on with Your Life (Paulist Press, January 2014) Fr. Desiderio will give a brief overview of the spirituality of forgiveness based on five steps:

  • L - Look deeply at what went wrong
  • E - Empathy for the other is key
  • T - Tell the story differently
  • G - Give the gift of forgiveness
  • O - One day at a time, keep forgiveness strong.

This webinar will offer practical tools for women and men religious who want to bring peace to persons caught in a web of unreconciled relationships whom they encounter in their various pastoral, administrative, peace and social justice ministries. It will also offer inspiration about living more peaceably with oneself and in community and healing rifts through reconciliation. 

Frank Desiderio, C.S.P. has been a parish priest and campus minister (UCLA), a radio and TV producer and, currently, is director of the Paulist Center in Boston. He is the executive producer of the documentary “The Big Question: A Film About Forgiveness” which launched him into a new ministry of forgiveness and reconciliation. Since 2009 he has offered retreats, parish missions and days of recollection on the spirituality of forgiveness. From Victoria, B.C. to Washington D.C. retreatants have said, "this is the best retreat I've ever been on." Participants come away saying; "I have been waiting for this for a long time", "this is exactly the kind of thing the Church should do", "I feel so much lighter", "this is what I needed to heal."

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Being resilient in the face of adversity requires us to look inward rather than outward and examine our approach, our expectations, and our reactions to situations. This webinar will focus on the following topics: the definition of resilience, the factors that enhance our ability to be resilient, the distorted scripts that lead to burnout, the difference between healthy vs. unhealthy self-sacrifice, and the importance of establishing a self-care plan. 

Eran Talitman, Ph.D., C. Psych. is a registered psychologist in the province of Ontario, Canada. He has provided assessment and treatment services to individuals, couples, and families in both a hospital setting and private practice. He has also been a consultant to individuals diagnosed with HIV, cancer, and traumatic brain injury. For the past 16 years, he has been at the Southdown Institute and has provided individual and group therapy as well as assessment services to religious and clergy. He has provided workshops and presentations on Intimacy, Healthy Sexuality, Developing Healthy Ministerial Boundaries, Keeping Our Soul Alive, Effective Leadership, and Working with Personality Disorders. 

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La integración de la diversidad de la Iglesia Católica en los Estados Unidos es vital para la transición al ministerio de aquellos/as que están migrando de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Este “webinar” contrastará las características históricas y culturales que dieron forma a la Iglesia de los Estados Unidos con la Iglesia de América Latina, subrayando las contribuciones que cada tradición trae al ministerio hoy. La meta será explorar las competencias interculturales que el ministerio en los Estados Unidos requiere de todos/as. 

Hna. Teresa Maya, CCVI, Superiora General, Hermanas de la Caridad del Verbo Encarnado, San Antonio TX
Hna. Teresa Maya, CCVI, Superiora General, Hermanas de la Caridad del Verbo Encarnado, San Antonio TX. La Hermana Teresa Maya pertenece a la Congregación de las Hermanas de la Caridad del Verbo Encarnado desde 1994. Su experiencia ministerial es en el área de educación. Ha servido como maestra, profesora de historia y administradora. Tiene una pasión por la formación de agentes para la pastoral hispana en EUA. La Hermana Teresa curso el B.A. en la Universidad de Yale, el M.A. en el Graduate Theological Union en Berkeley y el Doctorado en El Colegio de México, en la Ciudad de México.

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Every person encounters the mystery of suffering in his or her life and in the lives of loved ones. Those of us who minister in the Church come face to face with this mystery often, as we are called to be present to those who suffer in different ways. Vowed religious are affected by the reality of suffering within religious community. This webinar will address the challenges of talking about God and talking to God in times of suffering. We will draw upon four dimensions from the Judeo-Christian tradition that can serve as resources for us in grappling with the mystery of suffering.

Robin Ryan, CP, PhD is a Passionist priest and theologian who serves as Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Director of the Master of Arts in Theology Program at Catholic Theological Union. He received his Ph.D. in systematic theology from The Catholic University of America. He is the author of numerous articles and recordings on theological and spiritual topics. He edited and contributed to the book Catholics on Call: Discerning a Life of Service in the Church (Liturgical Press, 2010). He is the author of God and the Mystery of Human Suffering: A Theological Conversation Across the Ages (Paulist Press, 2011). He recorded a series of CDs on the topic of God and the Mystery of Human Suffering for Now You Know Media. He is the author of the forthcoming book Jesus and Salvation (Liturgical Press, April 2015). He is also a contributor to and English-language editor of the forthcoming Diccionario de la Pasión (Madrid, San Pablo).

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We live in an increasingly wireless world connected by screens: smart phones, tablets, laptops, TVs, to name a few. There is a potential to be connected to someone at every moment of the day on almost every place on earth. This webinar will address some of the "hidden costs" of connected living, in particular: healthy companionship, creativity and contemplation. This reality, sooner or later, surfaces for us personally and in ministry, but particularly in initial and lifelong formation settings. We will explore ways to navigate and manage the blessing of this technology, as well as what can become an affliction and a hindrance to what and who we hope to be.

Sister Sue Pontz is a member of the Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius. Currently, she is a member of the Congregational Leadership Team and a Co-Vocation Director. She ministers at Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas as the Director of Instructional Technology. Sister Sue has an Ed.D. in Instructional Technology, an MA in Theology and has recently completed her training to be a spiritual director.

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For members of religious communities retirement is often seen as a signal to be ‘recycled.”  How do we respond to the too frequently asked question, “What do you do?” when ‘doing’ no longer fills our days?  What is the invitation embedded in this life event we call retirement?  We will consider some of the attitudes that impact our response, the ordinary phases that are to be expected, some suggestions on how to move through them and the potential of new life that lies beyond.

Paula Cooney is a member of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Monroe, Michigan.  Using her background in gerontology, spiritual direction and leadership in her own congregation, she has developed programs and retreats for seniors on a variety of topics that impact the journey of aging.  Since the mid 90’s the core of her ministries have been with Elders, most recently as the director of a retirement center for a community of women religious.  Paula has been an eldercare consultant with NRRO for the past 12 years.

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We stand at an evolutionary juncture that is fostered by a deep yearning to be co-creators of the Universe. Led by the energies of that first primordial fire of the Divine, we are in communion with the Universe, Earth, and God. We strive, as sexual beings, to evolve and engage in life, seeking deeper understanding, interconnectivity and love. In this webinar, participants will explore how these energies within ourselves and beyond have evolved from that first fire that drove evolution. We will explore what God has intended for us all along.

“Some day after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we will harness for God the energies of love, and then, for the second time in the history of the world, we will have discovered fire.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Essay: The Evolution of Chastity, 1934.

Maco Cassetta, CND, is a member of the Congregation of Notre Dame, a psychotherapist, and spiritual mentor. Based in New York, she is Director of Formation for her congregation.

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In this complex time of ever-increasing diversity, we are continually faced with the possibilities of encounter and isolation. The natural tendency to relate only with people who share our cultural values and religious beliefs unconsciously reinforces ethnocentric isolationism, a room full of mirrors. Francis’ challenge to encounter the “other” – the one who looks, acts, and believes differently – moves us beyond our comfort zone to a greater self-awareness and the openness to see the world from another’s point of view. Intentional relationships with people of other races and cultures is the only way to diffuse fear, challenge stereotypes, and change prejudices. This webinar will examine the phases of this journey towards encounter and its implications for mission in today’s world, divided by walls of fear and mistrust. Join us in sharing the wisdom of our experiences and how we can together build bridges for respectful encounter and intercultural relationships.

Dr. Arturo Chávez is the President of MACC, the Mexican American Catholic College in San Antonio, Texas. Since 2007, Dr. Chávez has led the organization into its current transition from a Cultural Center to a Catholic College that offers B.A. and M.A. degrees in Pastoral Ministry. The unique degree plans are offered bilingually to meet the growing needs of Latinos for higher education, especially for service in faith communities. Prior to MACC, he worked in a variety of ministries – as a teacher, youth minister, a chaplain to the incarcerated, and a community organizer. He founded a nonprofit youth organization called JOVEN and was instrumental in establishing other faith-based partnerships to address the urgent needs of families who are poor and disenfranchised. Nationally recognized for his efforts to combat racism and poverty, President Obama appointed him to the White House Council on Faith-based partnerships. In 2010, Catholic Charities USA recognized him as “…a national champion of the poor” with the “Keep the Dream Alive Award” in honor of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. The National Association on Lay Ministry recently bestowed the San Juan Diego Award to recognize his years of service to the Church. Dr. Chávez holds a Ph.D. in Religious and Theological Studies, from the University of Denver and the Iliff School of Theology, with a focus on the relationship between religion and social change.

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On Thursday, September 13 the RFC hosted a webinar discussion with the editors of and an author in the book, In Our Own Words: Religious Life in a Changing World.

Sarah Kohles, OSF, Juliet Mousseau, RSCJ, & Tracy Kemme, SC

Editors of and an author in the book, In Our Own Words: Religious Life in a Changing World joined the RFC for this webinar conversation. 

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From Center to Periphery: Relocating the Prophetic Witness of Religious Life at one of the locations throughout the United States listed below. In these gatherings, we will celebrate our heritage, reflect with expert and engaging presenters and with each other on the implications of our call to mission in the 21st century, and continue our lifelong formation as women and men challenged, in Pope Francis’ words, to fly from the nest to the frontiers, to wake the world.

Richard Gaillardetz, PhD, Joseph Professor of Theology at Boston College;
Presentation title: From Center to Periphery: Relocating the Prophetic Witness of Religious Life

Caroljean Willie, SC, PhD, NGO representative at the United Nations for the Sisters of Charity Federation;
Presentation title: Called to Live on the Margins of Possibility

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Conversations at the Well: Crossing-over to Meet the Other and Oneself

Acting on the Journey of Transformation

The call to transformation and to “reading the signs of the times” can simultaneously elicit deep attraction and provoke corresponding resistance.

In this workshop, beginning Friday evening, participants and the presenter will explore the shadow and the journey of consciousness; crossing over from repression and fear to humility and integration.  Praying dangerously, acting radically, living the gospel will fuel the crossing to personal and communal transformation.

The workshop included input, personal journaling, table and large group conversation. (November 18-19, 2016; Rancho Palos Verdes, CA)

Donald Bisson, FMS

Donald Bisson, FMS, is first and foremost a spiritual director.  A Marist Brother based in New York, Don is engaged in the training, formation, and supervision of spiritual directors.  In addition to his doctoral work in spiritual direction and Jungian psychology, he holds graduate degrees in spirituality and liturgy.

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Life-Giving Community: Cultivating Communication, Connection and Compassion

Members and non-members are now able to purchase and access a video recording and presentation files from the Life-Giving Community: Cultivating Communication, Connection and Compassion workshop on Saturday, October 27, 2018 by Kathy Galleher, PhD. Video topics include:

  • Rich community life and how to cultivate it
  • Group development
  • Going deeper, vulnerability and compassion
  • Healthy confrontation and conflict
  • Reflection and sharing on day 

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Cover image InFormation 1996 Number 2 March-April

InFormation 1996 No. 2 : The Mustard Seed, Another Experiment in Hope, by Julianne Lattner & Carole Shinnick

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 1996 No.2 Mar-Apr

"We recommend that other congregations involved in reconfiguring governmental units remember the importance of knitting together faith-based relationships at the grassroots level and consider offering membership an opportunity like the Mustard Seed."

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Lattner, Julianne, SSND ; Shinnick, Carole, SSND
Cover image InFormation 1996 Number 1 January-February

InFormation 1996 No. 1 : Taking Flight, by Katherine Feely, SND

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 1996 No.1 Jan-Feb

"I contrast this image with that of the opening ceremony of the NGO Forum when tens of thousands of doves were released into the air. I could hear the rush of the fluttering wings and see these beautiful creatures soar off into the sky! As I watched the birds, I recognized myself in the soaring. My spirit, dreams, desires, prayers, and passion took flight with the birds."

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Feely, Katherine, SND
Cover image for Resource Manual Volume 4

Resource Manual Volume 4, Part 3, Prophetic Way : Chapter 10

Formation Resources - Resource Manuals - Volume IV

III. Formation for a Prophetic Way of Life

  • 3.10. Additional Resources
    • 3.10.1. Print Resources, Film Resources
    • 3.10.2. Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur: Reflection Process
    • 3.10.3. Benedictine Sisters of Erie: Benedicta Riepp Program

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Cover image for Resource Manual Volume 4

Resource Manual Volume 4, Part 3, Prophetic Way : Chapter 09, 2-6

Formation Resources - Resource Manuals - Volume IV

III. Formation for a Prophetic Way of Life

  • 3.9. Prophetic Living and Sustainability:
    • 3.9.2-6. Land Ethics:
      • 3.9.2. Dominican Congregations: A Land Ethic
      • 3.9.3. Dominicans of St. Catherine: Kentucky Land Ethic
      • 3.9.4. Dominicans of Blauvelt: A Spirituality of Sacred Community
      • 3.9.5. Sisters of Mercy of the Americas: Developing a Land Ethic
      • 3.9.6. Sisters of the Humility of Mary: A Proposed Land Ethic

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Cover image for Resource Manual Volume 4

Resource Manual Volume 4, Part 3, Prophetic Way : Chapter 09, 1

Formation Resources - Resource Manuals - Volume IV

III. Formation for a Prophetic Way of Life

  • 3.9. Prophetic Living and Sustainability:
    • 3.9.1. "Religious Congregations on the Land : New Models for the Church", Kathleen Storms, SSND

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Kathleen Storms, SSND

Storms, Kathleen, SSND
Cover image for Resource Manual Volume 4

Resource Manual Volume 4, Part 1, Formation Ministers : Chapters 07-10

Formation Resources - Resource Manuals - Volume IV

I: Role Descriptions and Models for Choosing, Assessing and Valuing Formation Ministers

  • 1.7-10. Additional Congregations:
    • 1.7. Sisters of Providence
      • 1.7.1. Candidate Director: Purpose Responsibilities, Other Responsibilities
    • 1.8. Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh, PA, Membership Team
      • 1.8.1. Membership Team: Job Description and Guideline
        • Philosophy
        • Rationale
        • Prioress
        • Vocation Director
        • Pre-Novice Director
        • Novice Director
        • Temporary Professed Director
        • All Team members
    • 1.9. Adorers of the Blood of Christ
      • 1.9.1. Temporary Professed Minister Discernment: Letter to Congregation
      • 1.9.2. Temporary Professed Period: Goals, Responsibilities, Expectations
      • 1.9.3. Background Information to Guide Endorsements
      • 1.9.4. Endorsement Form for Temporary Professed Position
      • 1.9.5. Reflection Questions for Leadership and Formation Teams
      • 1.9.6. Reflections Questions for Persons Considering the Position
    • 1.10. Society of Mary (Marianists), Formative Activity:
      Places and Agents of Formation
      • 1.10.1. Agents of Formation
      • 1.10.2. Formational Environments

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Cover image for Resource Manual Volume 4

Resource Manual Volume 4, Part 1, Formation Ministers : Chapter 06

Formation Resources - Resource Manuals - Volume IV

I: Role Descriptions and Models for Choosing, Assessing and Valuing Formation Ministers

  • 1.6. Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, National Formation Team:
    Roles, Responsibilities, Criteria, Selection
    • 1.6.1. Formation Ministers
    • 1.6.2. Mentors
    • 1.6.3. Leadership
    • 1.6.4. Members of the Initial Formation Community
    • 1.6.5. Congregational Members

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